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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 73
Copertina di Jack Kirby

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 73

DC Comics Aprile 1942
Starman (Ted Knight)
The Case of the Murders in Outer Space!
Gardner Fox (script) / Jack Burnley (art) / Ray Burnley (inks) / Raymond Perry (colors)
13 pagine
The Secret of the Buzzard's Revenge
Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Joe Simon (inks)
10 pagine
Steve Conrad, Adventurer
Adventure in the Past
Jack Lehti (script) / Jack Lehti (art)
6 pagine
The Shining Knight
The Golden Quest!
Henry Lynne Perkins (script) / Louis Cazeneuve (art)
11 pagine
Hourman and Minute Man Martin
Criminal Quiz!!
Bernard Baily (art)
8 pagine
Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
Bells of Madness!
Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Joe Simon (inks)
10 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: DC Omnibus # 26 - Sandman di Jack Kirby, Rw Lion (Lug 2018)