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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 65
Copertina di Jack Burnley

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 65

DC Comics Agosto 1941
Starman (Ted Knight)
The Mystery of the Undersea Terror
Gardner Fox (script) / Jack Burnley (art) / Ray Burnley (inks) / Raymond Perry (colors)
13 pagine
Federal Men
The Clinic of Forgotten Men
Jerry Siegel (script) / Chad Grothkopf (art)
4 pagine
Steve Conrad, Adventurer
Outlaws of the Sahara
Jack Lehti (script) / Jack Lehti (art)
6 pagine
Hourman (Rex Tyler)
The Black Ray
Bernard Baily (art)
8 pagine
Paul Kirk, Manhunter
The House Without Stairs
Ed Moore (script) / Ed Moore (art)
6 pagine
Cotton Carver
The Deserted City
Jack Lehti (art)
6 pagine
Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
The Sandman at Sea
Paul Norris (art)
8 pagine