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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 54
Copertina di Bernard Baily

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 54

DC Comics Settembre 1940
Hourman with Minute-Man Martin
The Kidnapping of a Minute-Man
Ken Fitch (script) / Bernard Baily (script)
9 pagine
Barry O' Neill
Fang Gow's Challenge
Ed Winiarski (script) / Ed Winiarski (art)
6 pagine
Mark Lansing of Mikishawm
The Dreaded Mokos
Howard Purcell (script) / Howard Purcell (art)
6 pagine
Federal Men
Death of a Borinquen Butler
Jerry Siegel (script) / Chad Grothkopf (art)
4 pagine
Cotton Carver
The Beast Men
Gardner Fox (script) / Jack Lehti (art)
6 pagine
Socko Strong
The Great I, Part 3
Alan Sulman (script) / Joseph Sulman (art)
6 pagine
Steve Conrad Adventurer
Adventure of the French Agent
Jack Lehti (script) / Jack Lehti (art)
6 pagine
Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
Case of the Kidnapped Heiress
Gardner Fox (script) / Creig Flessel (art)
10 pagine