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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 51
Copertina di Creig Flessel

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 51

DC Comics Giugno 1940
Hourman (Rex Tyler)
The Wax-Double Killers
Ken Fitch (script) / Bernard Baily (art) / Bernard Baily (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Hourman (Rex Tyler)
Barry O'Neil
The Thought Machine of Fang Gow
Ed Winiarski (script) / Ed Winiarski (art) / Ed Winiarski (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Barry O
Steve Conrad, Adventurer
The Return of Singapore Sal
Jack Lehti (script) / Jack Lehti (art) / Jack Lehti (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Steve Conrad
The Pawn Broker
Gardner Fox (script) / Creig Flessel (art) / Creig Flessel (inks)
10 pagine

protagonisti: Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
Socko Strong
The Phony Trucking Business
Albert Sulman (script) / Joseph Sulman (art) / Joseph Sulman (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Socko Strong
Federal Men
The Nastonian Secret Agent
Jerry Siegel (script) / Chad Grothkopf (art) / Chad Grothkopf (inks)
4 pagine

protagonisti: Federal Men
Anchors Aweigh
Captain Coffin's Cutthroat Crew
Bart Tumey (script) / Bart Tumey (art) / Bart Tumey (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Anchors Aweigh
Rusty and His Pals
Mansion of Murder (Part 6 of 7)
Bill Finger (script)
4 pagine

protagonisti: Rusty and His Pals
Cotton Carver
At Grips With the Wolf Men
Gardner Fox (script) / Jack Lehti (art) / Jack Lehti (inks)
6 pagine

protagonisti: Cotton Carver