The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
E sorge l'Alba sì come il Tuono
Alan Moore (script) / Kevin O'Neill (art) / Kevin O'Neill (inks)
E sorge l'Alba sì come il Tuono
Alan Moore (script) / Kevin O'Neill (art) / Kevin O'Neill (inks)
24 pagine
da The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol 2 # 3, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2002)

Jonni Future
Moth-Women of the Myriad Moons
Steve Moore (script) / Art Adams (art) / Art Adams (inks) / David Baron (colors)
Moth-Women of the Myriad Moons
Steve Moore (script) / Art Adams (art) / Art Adams (inks) / David Baron (colors)
8 pagine
da Tom Strong's Terrific Tales # 2, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2002)
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