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2000 AD Winter Special # 4
Copertina di Kevin Walker

2000 AD Winter Special # 4

Fleetway Publications Novembre 1992
Bride of the Warlock
Pat Mills (script) / Chris Weston (art) / Chris Weston (colors)
16 pagine
Judge Dredd
The Squealer
John Wagner (script) / Greg Staples (art) / Greg Staples (colors)
8 pagine
Indigo Prime
The Loa in the Machine
John Smith (script) / Mick Austin (art) / Mick Austin (colors)
6 pagine
Tharg the Mighty
A Moving Experience
Richard Burton (script) / Eric Bradbury (art)
4 pagine
2000 AD Sci-Fi Special # 4
The Sword Sinister
Pat Mills (script) / Kevin O'Neill (art)
5 pagine

da 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special # 4, IPC - UK (Lug 1981)
Tales from Beyond Science
The Secret Month Under the Stairs
Mark Millar (script) / Rian Hughes (art) / Rian Hughes (colors)
6 pagine
A.B.C. Warriors
Dishonourable Discharge
Pat Mills (script) / Kevin Walker (art)
8 pagine