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Marvel Tales
Atlas Comics
Marvel Tales
Atlas Comics
anno inizio serie: 1949
numeri rilasciati: 93-159
numeri catalogati: 67
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica di science-fiction e horror. È uscita fino al fallimento del distributore e alla successiva ristrutturazione nota come "Atlas Implosion". La numerazione prosegue dalla serie Marvel Mystery Comics (Atlas 1939)
93 Aug 1949
(comic-story): The Haunted RoomGene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Gool Strikes!Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): Step Into the Mirror of Madness! inedito
(comic-story): Beware of the Cat! inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Fled from the Future! inedito
94 Nov 1949
horror: A Night in Hangman's House!John Forte inedito
horror: Spectacles of Doom!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: Hands of Horror!Dick Briefer / Dick Briefer inedito
horror: The Haunted Love!Gene Colan inedito
95 Mar 1950
horror: The Living Death!Gene Colan inedito
horror: The Gypsy's Curse!Gene Colan inedito
science fiction: Trapped in Time! inedito
96 Jun 1950
Frankenstein Monster: The Return of the MonsterGene Colan / Vince Alascia Eureka Pocket # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): The Deadly Dwarf!Vern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
horror: The Mask of the Mind! Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Don't Shake Hands with the DevilMike Sekowsky Thor # 141 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Witch's Son!Carl Burgos Thor # 165 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Terror That CreepsWerner Roth / Werner Roth Thor # 144 (Editoriale Corno)
97 Sep 1950
(comic-story): The World That VanishedMike Sekowsky / Christopher Rule inedito
horror: Beyond the GraveDon Rico / Don Rico inedito
Sun Girl: Danger in the Sun!Sol Brodsky inedito
horror: The Wooden Horror!Mike Sekowsky / Christopher Rule inedito
98 Dec 1950
horror: A Man Named SatanBernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
horror: The Black CatMike Sekowsky inedito
horror: I Saw To-morrowEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: JuggernautBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
99 Feb 1951
(comic-story): The Wax Museum!Don Rico / Don Rico inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Could Not Die! inedito
(comic-story): Terror in the Streets!Hank Chapman / Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): The Brain!Sol Brodsky inedito
100 Apr 1951
(comic-story): The Man Who Wasn't ThereVern Henkel inedito
science fiction: Eyes of DoomEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
horror: VampireGeorge Klein / George Klein inedito
horror: The Strange MachineGil Kane / Eddie Haas inedito
101 Jun 1951
(comic-story): The Man Who Died Twice!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
horror: The Spider!Hank Chapman / Larry Woromay inedito
horror: The Voice of DoomGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Hidden MenMorris Weiss / Morris Weiss inedito
102 Aug 1951
horror: The Witch Is Among UsMike Sekowsky / Christopher Rule inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who DreamedGene Colan inedito
science fiction: The End of the WorldBasil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton inedito
horror: The IslandCal Massey / Cal Massey inedito
103 Oct 1951
horror: Touch of DeathHank Chapman / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
science fiction: When Time Stood StillRoss Andru inedito
horror: Behind the MaskJerry Robinson / Jerry Robinson inedito
(comic-story): The Ink Blots!Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
104 Dec 1951
science fiction: Freddy's Friend!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: Gateway to HorrorBasil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton inedito
horror: The Murder Mirror!Morris Weiss / Morris Weiss inedito
science fiction: I Saw Tomorrow!Norman Steinberg / Norman Steinberg inedito
105 Feb 1952
horror: The Spider Waits!Fred Kida / Fred Kida L'Uomo Ragno # 117 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): In Little PiecesCarl Wessler / Harry Lazarus inedito
horror: The Red FaceCarl Wessler / Harry Lazarus inedito
(comic-story): The Drop of WaterHank Chapman / Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Vanished!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
106 Apr 1952
Frankenstein's Monster: The MonsterPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
horror: Don't Turn Around!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: Two Is a Crowd!Allen Bellman / Allen Bellman inedito
horror: The Grinning Skull!Hank Chapman / Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: The Dead of Night!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
107 Jun 1952
horror: The Thing in the SewerFred Kida / Fred Kida inedito
horror: The Man With the WhipOgden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
(comic-story): Going My Way?Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
horror: The Glass EyeCarl Wessler / Allen Bellman / Allen Bellman inedito
horror: Trapped By the Dead!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
108 Aug 1952
horror: The Terrible TunnelBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: The GuillotineJohn Romita / John Romita inedito
horror: Pain in the NeckJim Mooney / Bernard Sachs inedito
horror: Horror in the Moonlight!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: Hate!Bill Lacava / Bill Lacava inedito
109 Oct 1952
horror: When the Vampire StrikesSyd Shores inedito
horror: The House of SkullsJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
horror: A Sight For Sore EyesDon Perlin / Abe Simon Eureka Pocket # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): The Cave of DeathClayton Moore / Stan Goldberg / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The DragonTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
110 Dec 1952
horror: The Empty Bus!Syd Shores / Syd Shores
horror: Harry's Hobby! inedito
horror: Foolproof!Stan Lee / Russ Heath / Russ Heath Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Peter and the Puppet!Bill Benulis / Jack Abel inedito
horror: A Coffin for Carlos!Don Perlin / Abe Simon inedito
111 Feb 1953
(comic-story): I Can't Stop Changing!Jerry Robinson / Jerry Robinson inedito
(comic-story): The Martian in the Kitchen!Bill Benulis / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): At First Sight!Cal Massey / Cal Massey inedito
horror: Horror Under the EarthCarl Wessler / Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Searched for Satan!Stan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
112 Mar 1953
horror: The House That Death Built!Stan Lee / Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
horror: Jonah!!Al Carreno / Al Carreno inedito
horror: I'm Waiting for You!Carl Wessler / Carl Hubbell / Carl Hubbell inedito
horror: The Third GhostCarl Wessler / Larry Woromay / Larry Woromay inedito
113 Apr 1953
(comic-story): The Iron LadyCarl Wessler / Al Luster / Al Luster inedito
crime: Brother of a MonsterStan Lee / Mike Sekowsky / Christopher Rule inedito
(comic-story): What's New?Stan Lee / Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
horror: Terror TaleStan Lee / Russ Heath / Russ Heath
horror: The Man Who Isn't ThereTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta
114 May 1953
horror: Dial 'Z' for Zombie!Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
horror: Waitin' for Satan!George Tuska / George Tuska Thor # 106 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Fifty-Fifty!Jack Hearne / Bill Savage inedito
horror: The Terrible Teeth!Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter
horror: The Little MonstersTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
115 Jun 1953
horror: The Man with No FaceEd Robbins / Ed Robbins inedito
horror: A Thousand Years LaterDon Perlin / Don Perlin inedito
horror: The Two Dollar BillCarl Wessler / Dick Ayers inedito
horror: In the BagVic Dowling / Vic Dowling inedito
horror: The Hunter of MenCarl Wessler / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
116 Jul 1953
(comic-story): Won't You Step Into My Parlor?Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
horror: Werewolf by Night!William Weltman / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): Not Wanted!Carl Wessler / Sam Kweskin / Sam Kweskin inedito
(comic-story): The Final Payment!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): When Billy Says Bang!Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
117 Aug 1953
horror: Terror in the North!Don Perlin / Don Perlin Capitan America # 47 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: A Little Pain Never Hurt AnybodyGil Kane inedito
horror: Red Tape!Sam Kweskin / Sam Kweskin Eureka Pocket # 25 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Uncle Gideon's GoldLouis Ravielli / Louis Ravielli Eureka Pocket # 25 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Jerry's New JobTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta Eureka Pocket # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
118 Sep 1953
(comic-story): Moon Madness!Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
horror: TyphoidHarry Anderson / Harry Anderson inedito
science fiction: NoahHy Rosen / Hy Rosen inedito
(comic-story): The Magic WordDick Briefer / Dick Briefer inedito
(comic-story): When a World Went Mad!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
119 Dec 1953
horror: When the Mummies RiseRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
horror: Collector's Item!John Forte inedito
horror: They Gave Him a GraveLarry Woromay / Larry Woromay inedito
(comic-story): The New LifeAl Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): They Can't Burn BlackieMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
120 Feb 1954
(comic-story): The CommissarGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): Too Smart for His AgeTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(comic-story): What Would You Do?Jack Katz inedito
(comic-story): The Baby-Sitter!Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
(comic-story): Nothing Ever ChangesTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
121 Mar 1954
horror: The Voice from the GraveGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
horror: The CannibalsMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
horror: The Gamble!Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
horror: Appointment with DeathBill Savage / Bill Savage inedito
horror: Down Down DownManny Stallman inedito
122 Apr 1954
horror: The Baby SitterTony DiPreta inedito
science fiction: Keep OutAl Gordon / Joe Kubert inedito
horror: The Last Gesture!Bob McCarty inedito
horror: The Glasses!Paul Newman / Chuck Winter inedito
horror: The Man Without a BodyEd Winiarski inedito
123 May 1954
horror: The Lonely RoadBob Correa / Bob Correa inedito
horror: The Vampire's VictimMannie Banks / Mannie Banks inedito
horror: George!Louis Ravielli / Louis Ravielli inedito
horror: Defense WitnessSol Brodsky inedito
horror: No Way OutVic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
124 Jun 1954
(comic-story): Behind the Door!John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): He Waits at the Tombstone!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): The Man with Wings!George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(comic-story): A Box Is a Box!Seymour Moskowitz / Seymour Moskowitz inedito
(comic-story): He Died Too Soon!Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
125 Jul 1954
horror: Where Monsters ProwlWilliam Weltman / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): The Dictator!John Forte inedito
science fiction: The Unwanted!Paul Newman / Bill Walton / Bill Walton Hulk e i Difensori # 34 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Horror HousePaul Newman / Bob Correa / Bob Correa Eureka Pocket # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Murder!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
126 Aug 1954
horror: It Came from NowhereDoug Wildey / Doug Wildey
horror: The Graves That MovedJim Mooney / Jim Mooney Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Death of Me!Seymour Moskowitz / Seymour Moskowitz Thor # 101 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Lonely ManAl Eadeh / Al Eadeh Capitan America # 62 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Murdock's Brain!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely Hulk e i Difensori # 33 (Editoriale Corno)
127 Oct 1954
horror: Vampires Also DieGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
horror: Buried Alive!Bob McCarty inedito
(comic-story): He Walks Through WallsJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
horror: Skrak's Secret!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
horror: Gone Is the GargoyleMort Drucker / Mort Drucker inedito
128 Nov 1954
science fiction: EmilyPete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson
horror: When a Vampire DiesSid Greene / Sid Greene
horror: The Man Who Meddled!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
horror: Walking HorrorTom Cooke / Tom Cooke Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Oh, Baby!John Forte / John Forte inedito
129 Dec 1954
horror: You Can't Touch BottomRoss Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
(comic-story): The Assassin!Vince Colletta / Vince Colletta inedito
(comic-story): Dog-Gone!Howard Post / Howard Post inedito
(comic-story): The Helping Hand!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: Just Suppose...Tony Mortellaro / Tony Mortellaro inedito
130 Jan 1955
horror: TornadoVic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
horror: Willie! Or Won't He?Paul Hodge / Paul Hodge inedito
horror: The Next World!John Forte / John Forte inedito
horror: The Threat!Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
science fiction: The Giant KillerSid Greene / Sid Greene Thor # 129 (Editoriale Corno)
131 Feb 1955
science fiction: The Man Who Bought a DingbatBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
(comic-story): Five FingersPaul Hodge / Paul Hodge inedito
(comic-story): The RookieWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
science fiction: Farewell-MoonHoward Post / Howard Post inedito
horror: While Death WaitsGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
132 Mar 1955
(comic-story): Poison Pen!John Tartaglione / John Tartaglione inedito
(comic-story): The Old Couple!Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
(comic-story): Hail the HeroRobert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Lost Yesterday!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Wasn'tDick Ayers inedito
133 Apr 1955
(comic-story): Meet MaggieSid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
(comic-story): The Lonely Little Boy!Vince Colletta / Vince Colletta inedito
(comic-story): Inside the BoxEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Talking DogBob Powell / Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Coward!Mac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
134 May 1955
(comic-story): The Lonely HouseManny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
(comic-story): And a Little Child...Harry Anderson / Harry Anderson inedito
(comic-story): No Time Like the FutureDick Ayers / Ernie Bache inedito
(comic-story): The Strange OnesJoe Kubert / Seymour Moskowitz inedito
(comic-story): Little Black Bag!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
135 Jun 1955
(comic-story): Mr. Dugan's DragonMort Drucker / Mort Drucker inedito
(comic-story): Joe's Jalopy!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): The One They SparedEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): Wings On His FeetMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): Worlds ApartJohn Tartaglione / John Tartaglione inedito
136 Jul 1955
(comic-story): Mystery of the Blocks!Pete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
(comic-story): Ceiling...Zero!Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
(comic-story): The Thing That Wouldn't Stop!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Man From Nowhere!Dick Ayers / Ernie Bache inedito
(comic-story): And There You Are!Bob Powell inedito
137 Aug 1955
(comic-story): Lost...One RobotBob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): The Door That Wouldn't Stay Shut!Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): King of the WorldMort Drucker / Mort Drucker inedito
(comic-story): He Came From NowhereJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): A Jinn Named JoeCarl Wessler / John Tartaglione / John Tartaglione inedito
138 Sep 1955
(comic story): Tomorrow!Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
(comic-story): Last Seen Climbing a Ladder!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta Eureka Pocket # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): The Little Men!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman Hulk e i Difensori # 35 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: When Warren Woke Up!Gene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette Capitan America # 66 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Crack-Up!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey Hulk e i Difensori # 36 (Editoriale Corno)
139 Oct 1955
(comic-story): The Nothing Man!Pete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
(comic-story): Danger From Nowhere!Carl Wessler / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
(comic-story): The Sleeper!Bill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
(comic-story): The Talking Box!Stan Lee / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Unseen Audience!Stan Lee / Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
140 Nov 1955
science fiction: Man Without FearCarl Wessler / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
science fiction: The Man Who Followed!Carl Wessler / Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
science fiction: The Wings!Stan Lee / John Forte / John Forte inedito
science fiction: Who Goes There?Stan Lee / Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
science fiction: In the Dark!Carl Wessler / Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
141 Dec 1955
(comic-story): From Out of Nowhere!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): Swap ShopStan Lee / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
(comic-story): The Spelunker!Stan Lee / Mort Drucker inedito
(comic-story): The Last ChancePete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
(comic-story): The Iron Brain!Carl Wessler / Bill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
142 Jan 1956
(comic-story): The Vanishing BoyCarl Wessler / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who ShrunkBernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
(comic-story): Man On Mars!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): It Wouldn't Let GoCarl Wessler / Art Peddy inedito
(comic-story): The Thing In the Crate!Paul Newman / Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito