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Adventures into Darkness
Standard Comics
Adventures into Darkness
Standard Comics
anno inizio serie: 1952
numeri rilasciati: 5-14
numeri catalogati: 10
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica di genere horror dell'epoca pre-Comics Code.
5 Aug 1952
(horror story): Murder MansionAlex Toth / Mike Peppe
(horror story): Drury's DreamArt Saaf / Art Saaf inedito
(horror story): Death Follows OrdersJerry Grandenetti / Jerry Grandenetti inedito
(horror story): The Phantom Hounds of Castle EyneAlex Toth / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): Horror's Little AcreRuben Moreira / Ruben Moreira inedito
(horror story): The Phantom Warning inedito
(horror story): Day of Reckoning!John Celardo / John Celardo inedito
6 Oct 1952
(horror story): The Groping GhostJack Katz / Jack Katz inedito
(horror story): Mystery of Mu inedito
(horror story): Corpse ConventionGeorge Tuska / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): The Thing from the SeaRalph Mayo / Ralph Mayo inedito
(horror story): The Strange Cats of Killough HeathFrank Giacoia / Frank Giacoia inedito
(horror story): The Phantom HorsemanMurphy Anderson / Murphy Anderson inedito
7 Dec 1952
(horror story): The Pit of HorrorMike Sekowsky / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): The Dancer from the BeyondNick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
(horror story): Bride of DeathJack Katz / Jack Katz inedito
(horror story): The Ghost That Warned a KingChuck Miller / Chuck Miller inedito
(horror story): Death DrumArt Saaf / Art Saaf inedito
(comic-story): The Origin of He Kicked the BucketJack Katz inedito
8 Feb 1953
(horror story): Mark of EvilRocco Mastroserio / Rocco Mastroserio inedito
(horror story): Death's Bridal GownSam Citron / Sam Citron inedito
(horror story): The House That Jackdaw BuiltAlex Toth / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): The Fatal StrandsCharles Sultan / Charles Sultan inedito
(horror story): The Twisted HandsAlex Toth / Mike Peppe inedito
9 Apr 1953
(horror story): The Hands of Don JoséAlex Toth / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): The Three MonkeysRafael Astarita / Rafael Astarita inedito
(horror story): Phantom of Flushing inedito
(horror story): Flowers on Deborah's GraveMike Sekowsky / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): Ghost of Raynham Hall inedito
(horror story): Nothing Can Save HerBill Woolfolk / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
10 Jun 1953
(horror story): The Man Who Could Not Die!George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(comic-story): Weird Facts inedito
(horror story): Me, GhostJack Katz / Jack Katz inedito
(horror story): The Hangman Who Was HangedArt Saaf / Art Saaf inedito
(horror story): Strange FootprintsRocco Mastroserio / Rocco Mastroserio inedito
(comic-story): Angkor City of MysteryArt Saaf / Art Saaf inedito
(horror story): The Evil CornucopiaBill Woolfolk / Mike Sekowsky / Aldo Rubano inedito
(horror story): Romance of Death inedito
11 Sep 1953
(horror story): Mission from the GraveMike Sekowsky / Mike Sekowsky inedito
(horror story): Rider in the Storm inedito
(horror story): The Finger of GuiltJohn Celardo / John Celardo inedito
(horror story): Trophies of DoomNick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
(horror story): The Bride of DeathJack Katz / Jack Katz inedito
(horror story): The Bread of MadnessMike Sekowsky / Mike Peppe inedito
12 Dec 1953
(horror story): Serpent of DoomJohn Celardo / John Celardo inedito
(horror story): The Spectral SergeantJack Katz inedito
(horror story): Horror's Scrapbook inedito
(horror story): The Living-Dead of Kulatum!Gene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): Conspiracy with DeathGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(horror story): The Last Dance inedito
(horror story): The Gypsy CurseJack Katz inedito
(horror story): Nightmare IslandGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
13 Mar 1954
(horror story): Feast of the GhoulsMike Sekowsky / Mike Peppe inedito
(horror story): The Haunted HotelGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): Paid in FullGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): Satan's PawnJack Sparling inedito
(horror story): The Monster in the Maze!Gene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): When Hell Broke LooseGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): The UnbelieverMike Sekowsky / Mike Peppe inedito
14 Jun 1954
(horror story): The Garden of Evil!Mike Roy / Mike Roy inedito
(comic-story): Murder by Movie inedito
(comic-story): Weird Watson inedito
(horror story): The OutcastRocco Mastroserio / Mike Esposito inedito
(horror story): The Frozen DeathGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(horror story): Horror's Scrapbook inedito
(horror story): The Curse of the Ancient Devil GodsRocco Mastroserio / Rocco Mastroserio inedito
(comic-story): Part-time Lunatic inedito
(horror story): Ghosts in the SkyGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito
(horror story): The Corpse CandleGene Fawcette / Gene Fawcette inedito