Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 1
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 1
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 1, Dark Horse - USA (Mag 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 2
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 2
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 2, Dark Horse - USA (Giu 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 3
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 3
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 3, Dark Horse - USA (Lug 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 4
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 4
John Wagner (script) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 4, Dark Horse - USA (Ago 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 5
John Wagner (script) / John Nadeau (art) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 5
John Wagner (script) / John Nadeau (art) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 5, Dark Horse - USA (Set 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
Star Wars
Shadows of the Empire, Part 6
John Wagner (script) / John Nadeau (art) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
Shadows of the Empire, Part 6
John Wagner (script) / John Nadeau (art) / Kilian Plunkett (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks)
22 pagine
da Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire # 6, Dark Horse - USA (Ott 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Star Wars: L'Ombra dell'Impero, Magic Press (Gen 1997)
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