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Strange Tales vol 1
Marvel Comics
Strange Tales vol 1
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1951
numeri rilasciati: 1-188
numeri catalogati: 188
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Human Torch, Doctor Strange, Warlock
tipologia: serie antologica
Strange Tales è una collana antologica nata negli anni cinquanta con il nome di Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror al cui interno venivano illustrate storie di mistero. fantascenza e terrore. All'inizio degli anni sessanta la collana inizia a ospitare delle serie regolari: tra il 1962 e il 1968 si susseguono la serie della Torcia Umana (#101/134). Dottor Strange (#110/168) e Nick Fury (#135/168).
Dal numero 168 la collana si interrompe per lanciare la testata dedicata al Dottor Strange.
Strange Tales
riprende dopo cinque anni seguendo la numerazione con cui si era fermata e presentando al suo interno le storie di Fratello Voodoo e Golem. Dal numero 178 per quattro albi la serie ospita Adam Warlock. per poi. dopo una manciata di ristampe del Dottor Strange. chiudere.
1 Jun 1951
(science-fiction): The Strange MenPaul Reinman Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The BeastManny Stallman inedito
horror-suspense: The Room That Didn't Exist inedito
horror-suspense: A Call in the NightGeorge Tuska inedito
2 Aug 1951
horror-suspense: The Egg!Mo Marcus / Frank Sieminski inedito
horror-suspense: Trapped in the Tomb!Norman Steinberg / Norman Steinberg inedito
horror-suspense: The Pin!Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
horror-suspense: The Island of MadmenEd Moore / Ed Moore inedito
3 Oct 1951
horror-suspense: The Shadow!Joe Maneely Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The Man Who Never WasJohn Romita Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: Invisible DeathMike Sekowsky inedito
horror-suspense: The Madman!Joe Maneely inedito
horror-suspense: VoodooBill Lacava inedito
4 Dec 1951
horror-suspense: The Evil EyeBill Everett Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: Dial...City Morgue!Sol Brodsky inedito
horror-suspense: It!John Romita Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The Man on the Beach!Bill Lacava inedito
5 Feb 1952
horror-suspense: The Room Without a DoorHank Chapman / Joe Maneely Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: Little Man Who Was ThereJim Mooney Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The TrapCarl Wessler / Manny Stallman inedito
horror-suspense: My Brother HarryTony DiPreta inedito
6 Apr 1952
science fiction: UninhabitedRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
horror-suspense: The Eyes of March!Carl Wessler / Sy Grudko / Sy Grudko inedito
horror-suspense: The Back Door!Pete Morisi / Pete Morisi inedito
horror-suspense: The KillersHarry Lazarus / Harry Lazarus inedito
horror-suspense: The Ugly Man!Carl Wessler / Vern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
7 Jun 1952
horror-suspense: My Brother Talks To Bats!Joe Maneely inedito
horror-suspense: He Wished He Was A VampireGene Colan Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: Tap! Tap! Tap!Joe Sinnott Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: Who Stands In the Shadows?Pete Tumlinson inedito
horror-suspense: The Horrible ManCarl Wessler / Werner Roth Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
8 Jul 1952
(horror-story): The Old MillGene Colan / Gene Colan Hulk e i Difensori # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror-story): Fame!Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror-story): The StormVic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(horror-story): Something in the Fog!Ed Goldfarb / Bob Baer Thor # 232 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror-story): If the Shoe FitsJoe Maneely / Joe Maneely Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
9 Aug 1952
(science-fiction): Blind DateMike Sekowsky / Vic Carrabotta Capitan America # 92 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Strange GameMarty Elkin / Marty Elkin Thor # 117 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Man from MarsStan Lee / Bob Fujitani / Bob Fujitani inedito
(science-fiction): Drink Deep, VampireJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Corriere della Paura # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Voice of Doom!Bill Benulis / Bill Benulis Eureka Pocket # 55 (Editoriale Corno)
10 Sep 1952
horror-suspense: The Boy Who Was AfraidBernie Krigstein Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The Monster's SonJim Mooney Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: The Frightful Feet!Bill Benulis inedito
horror-suspense: The Hidden HeadCarl Wessler / Ed Winiarski Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
horror-suspense: Keep OutDick Ayers Le grandi storie # 5 (Panini Comics)
11 Oct 1952
horror: The Devil and Donald WebsterStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman Eureka Pocket # 25 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Walking GhostMike Sekowsky / Bill Walton Capitan America # 64 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: DarknessJim Mooney / Jim Mooney Thor # 114 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: O'Malley's FriendGene Colan / Gene Colan Eureka Pocket # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
12 Nov 1952
horror: Love StoryTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
horror: The CorpseJim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
horror: The Warning!Christopher Rule inedito
horror: The Dumb Slob!George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
horror: Graveyard at Midnight!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
13 Dec 1952
horror: The Witching Hours!Ed Goldfarb / Ed Goldfarb Hulk e i Difensori # 40 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: Death Makes a Deal!Ed Robbins / Ed Robbins inedito
horror: The Hiding PlaceCarl Wessler / John Tartaglione / John Tartaglione inedito
science fiction: The BugsLarry Woromay / Larry Woromay Hulk e i Difensori # 41 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Secret of Christopher MorseEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
14 Jan 1953
horror: Horrible HermanStan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
horror: The Grinning Skulls!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
horror: The Experiment!George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
horror: The Golden CoffinMike Sekowsky inedito
horror: The Man Who Talked To Ghosts!Stan Lee / Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos inedito
15 Feb 1953
horror: Mary and the Witch!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
horror: The Last WordLarry Woromay / Larry Woromay inedito
horror: Don't Look DownGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
horror: Afraid!Sam Kweskin / Sam Kweskin inedito
horror: He Walked Thru the WallVic Dowling / Bob Stuart inedito
16 Mar 1953
horror: You Can't Kill Me!Stan Lee / Harry Anderson / Harry Anderson inedito
crime: The Man in the MudSy Barry / Sy Barry inedito
horror: The Sissy!Bob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
horror: Suicide!Louis Zansky / Louis Zansky inedito
horror: They Made Me a GhostStan Lee / Mike Sekowsky inedito
17 Apr 1953
science fiction: Danny Had a DreamJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
horror: Feud!Stan Lee / Jerry Robinson / Jerry Robinson inedito
horror: The Big KillChuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
horror: 5 Years Too Late!Sol Brodsky inedito
horror: Father-In-Law TroubleDick Briefer / Dick Briefer inedito
18 May 1953
science fiction: John Doe!Stan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
science fiction: The Saucers Strike!George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
horror: Witch-Hunt!Paul Newman / Larry Woromay / Matt Fox inedito
horror: Boris and the Bomb!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
19 Jun 1953
(comic-story): The Extra CoffinLarry Woromay / Larry Woromay inedito
horror: You Made the Pants Too LongStan Lee / Fred Kida / Fred Kida inedito
horror: The Rag DollJoe Certa / Joe Certa inedito
horror: The Farmer Takes a Life!Carl Wessler / Bob Fujitani / Bob Fujitani inedito
horror: Look OutGeorge Tuska / George Tuska inedito
20 Jul 1953
science fiction: The Man Who Couldn't Be PunishedFred Kida / Fred Kida inedito
horror: He Swallowed It Up!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
horror: Wilbur!Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
horror: Keep Your Eye on JuniorEd Moline / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
science fiction: The World I Lost!John Forte inedito
21 Aug 1953
(horror-story): The Man Who Cried Vampire!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
(horror-story): Ball of FireTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(horror-story): The Last Flying Saucer!Stan Lee / Bill Everett / Bill Everett Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(horror-story): The Man from TomorrowJohn Forte / John Forte Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(horror-story): The Monkey GlandsPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
22 Sep 1953
horror: The Untouchable!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
horror: What Happened on the Moon?Burt Frohman / Bill Benulis / Jack Abel inedito
horror: The Voice of DeathBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
horror: Too Good To Be True!John Forte / Matt Fox inedito
horror: The Corpse That Wasn'tJohn Buscema / John Buscema inedito
23 Oct 1953
(science-fiction): Welcome to PlutoJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): The Man Who Knew Everything!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): White on Black!Louis Ravielli / Louis Ravielli Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): The Beginning!Carl Wessler / Ed Goldfarb / Ed Goldfarb inedito
(science-fiction): Can You Picture This?Gil Evans / Gil Evans inedito
24 Dec 1953
(science-fiction): The Things in the CoffinsJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): Mission to Mars!Ed Goldfarb / Ed Goldfarb Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): Russia!Carl Wessler / Sam Kweskin / Sam Kweskin Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): Come In!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(science-fiction): The Fat ManBob Fujitani / Bob Fujitani inedito
25 Feb 1954
science fiction: The Final HourJohn Forte / John Forte Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: In Disguise!Myron Fass / Myron Fass inedito
horror: The Last Man On EarthArt Peddy / Jack Abel inedito
horror: The Long Sleep!Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
horror: No Place To GoMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
26 Mar 1954
(science-fiction): The Last StopGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(science-fiction): Guinea PigJack Katz / Jack Katz Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): A Grave MistakePaul Newman / Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): To the Stars!Carmine Infantino Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): It Could Be YouVic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
27 Apr 1954
(horror-story): The Poor Old ManJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
(horror-story): The Cask in the CaveJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(horror-story): Progress!Harry Anderson / Harry Anderson inedito
(horror-story): The Garden of Death!Vern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
(horror-story): SuffocationTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
28 May 1954
horror: Come Share My CoffinPete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
horror: With Knife in Hand!Jack Katz / Jack Katz inedito
horror: The Coward!Bob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
horror: VoicesDon Perlin / Don Perlin inedito
horror: The SlumsTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
29 Jun 1954
horror: Witchcraft!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
horror: Dead Beat!Bob Correa / Bob Correa inedito
horror: One Must DieBill Savage / Bill Savage inedito
horror: The Man in the Mask!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
horror: We Saw It Happen!Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
30 Jul 1954
(science-fiction): Science FictionBill Benulis / Bill Benulis Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
Look, Ma...A Vampire: Look, Ma...A VampireMort Drucker / Mort Drucker inedito
(science-fiction): Kill Him!Robert Walton / Robert Walton inedito
(science-fiction): The Slimy ThingsSeymour Moskowitz / Seymour Moskowitz Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): The Thing in the Box!Dick Ayers Le grandi storie # 1 (Panini Comics)
31 Aug 1954
horror: The Man Who Played With Blocks!Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
horror: The Bum!Bill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
horror: The Money Tree!Paul Newman / John Tartaglione / John Tartaglione inedito
horror: The First ManBill Savage / Bill Savage inedito
science fiction: The Strange Ones!Paul Newman / Art Peddy inedito
32 Oct 1954
horror: Man or Beast?Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
horror: The Dreadful DisguiseAl Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
horror: Harley's FriendsBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
horror: The Wrong ManJim McLaughlin / Jim McLaughlin inedito
science fiction: The Horrible Years!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
33 Dec 1954
horror: A Giant There Was!Pete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
horror: The Schemers!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
horror: Step Lively, PleaseEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
horror: The SpyChuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
science fiction: What Is It?Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
34 Feb 1955
science fiction: Flesh and BloodWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
horror: Moment of GloryPete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
science fiction: The Last BarrierEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
horror: The Strange RoomAl Hartley / Al Hartley inedito
horror: Family Tree!Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
35 Apr 1955
horror: Danger SignalJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
horror: The Man in the Bottle!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: The Target!John Romita inedito
horror: The CharacterDick Ayers / Ernie Bache inedito
horror: Freddie's FaceArt Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
36 Jun 1955
horror: The Man Who Turned Off the Sun!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
horror: The Girl Who Wouldn't SpeakJoe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
horror: The DiscoveryCarl Wessler / Bob Powell / Bob Powell inedito
horror: The Bell That Wouldn't StopBill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
horror: The Secret WeaponJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
37 Aug 1955
horror: A Stroke of the PenJack Katz inedito
horror: The Richest Man in the WorldMort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
science fiction: Too Many RobotsVic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
horror: Out of the Storm!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
horror: Don't Think So LoudPaul Newman / Art Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
38 Sep 1955
horror: The Man in the SkyAl Hartley / Al Hartley inedito
horror: The Shaggy Creature!Bob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
horror: No Escape!John Forte / John Forte inedito
science fiction: Time CrimePaul Newman / Art Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
horror: The Boy Who Saw!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
39 Oct 1955
horror: Karnoff's PlanBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: Blind SpotSid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
horror: The Secret of the ShipPaul Newman / Kurt Schaffenberger / Kurt Schaffenberger inedito
horror: The Man Mountain!Norman Maurer / Norman Maurer inedito
science fiction: Five Who VolunteeredCarl Wessler / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
40 Nov 1955
horror: This Dark CaveBill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
science fiction: A Stranger on EarthBill Everett / Bill Everett Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The Man Who Caught a Mermaid!John Forte / John Forte inedito
science fiction: The End of Time!John Forte / John Forte Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: No Place to HideCarl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
41 Dec 1955
science fiction: The Riddle of the SkullFred Kida / Fred Kida Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The FishmanBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
science fiction: The Strange StickPaul Newman / Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
science fiction: They Won't BelieveDick Ayers / Dick Ayers Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: Man in the DarkJoe Orlando / Joe Orlando inedito
42 Jan 1956
horror: The Faceless OneCarl Wessler / Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
horror: The Man Who Said No!Carl Wessler / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
science fiction: Moon-Man!Paul Newman / Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The Vanishing Brain!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
science fiction: The Man in the CellBob Powell / Bob Powell inedito
43 Feb 1956
horror: The Man Who Lived Twice!Paul Newman / Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
horror: I Saved Mankind!John Forte / John Forte Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: Behind the Mask!Bob Brown Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: The Mysterious Machine!Larry Woromay / Steve Kirkel inedito
science fiction: The Unbelievable Man!Paul Newman / Bob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
44 Mar 1956
(comic-story): The Man Who Ran Away!Bob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
science fiction: One World at a Time!Joe Orlando / Joe Orlando Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The Mysterious BoarderRobert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
horror: Look Out Below!Carl Wessler / Bob Powell inedito
science fiction: Safari in the Sky!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: Take a Giant StepPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
45 Apr 1956
horror: Land of Vanishing MenCarl Wessler / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
science fiction: The Night PeopleCarl Wessler / Bob Forgione / Jack Abel Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The Eyes of Mr. Moody!Carl Wessler / Jack Keller / Jack Keller inedito
science fiction: The Strange Exchange!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The Man Who Went Back!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
science fiction: Sorry, Wrong PlanetBernard Baily Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
46 May 1956
horror: The Sands Are Running OutJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: The Man From NowhereJoe Orlando / Joe Orlando Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: Repeat PerformanceJohn Severin / John Severin inedito
horror: The Wild, Wild WindDick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
horror: You Must Not LookCarl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
science fiction: The Greatest ExperimentSteve Ditko / Steve Ditko Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
47 Jun 1956
horror: When Mankind Vanished!Frank Bolle / Frank Bolle inedito
science fiction: OverflowCarl Wessler / Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: When Sorcerers MeetBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
science fiction: The Trial of Dr. Volton!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: The New Member!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: The HandsJim McLaughlin / Jim McLaughlin inedito
48 Jul 1956
horror: The Deserted LighthouseBob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
science fiction: The Man Who Stole a SkyscraperManny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
science fiction: The Man in Space!Bill Walton / Bill Walton Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
horror: I've Got To Hide!Carl Wessler / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
horror: Medicine Man!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: The Last of Mister GrimmDick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
49 Aug 1956
(comic-story): Inside the Black BagMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): The Girl Who Saved the WorldJoe Orlando / Joe Orlando Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): Not Quite HumanChristopher Rule Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): What Happened To Mr. Smith ?Harry Lazarus / Harry Lazarus inedito
(comic-story): The AnimalBob Brown / Bob Brown Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): The Man Who CriedJack Oleck / John Forte / John Forte Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
50 Sep 1956
science fiction: The End of the LinePaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
science fiction: Both of Me!Leon Lazarus / Harry Lazarus inedito
science fiction: The Fog That Couldn't Lift!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): The World Outside!Bill Benulis / Bill Benulis inedito
(comic-story): The Needle Swings!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): Sleep, You Fool!John Forte / John Forte inedito