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Incredible Hercules
Marvel Comics
Incredible Hercules
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 2008
numeri rilasciati: 113-141
numeri catalogati: 29
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Hercules
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie regolare della Marvel dedicata a Ercole e la sua giovane spalla, Amadeus Cho.
La serie, scritta da Greg Pak e Fred Van Lente, sostituisce di fatto la testata Incredible Hulk v3, della quale prosegue la sua numerazione, concludendosi nel febbraio del 2010.
Le storie rimaste in sospeso di Chaos War proseguono in due miniserie.
113 Jan 2008
Shirt of NessusGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Khoi Pham / Paul Neary Devil & Hulk # 142 (Marvel Italia)
114 Feb 2008
Walls of TroyGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Khoi Pham / Paul Neary Devil & Hulk # 142 (Marvel Italia)
115 May 2008
Glory of HeraGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Khoi Pham / Paul Neary / Danny Miki Devil & Hulk # 143 (Marvel Italia)
116 Jun 2008
Sacred Invasion, Prologue: MetamorphosesGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rafael Sandoval / Roger Bonet Devil & Hulk # 146 (Marvel Italia)
117 Jul 2008
Sacred Invasion, Part 1Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rafael Sandoval / Roger Bonet Devil & Hulk # 147 (Marvel Italia)
118 Aug 2008
Sacred Invasion, Part 2Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rafael Sandoval / Roger Bonet Devil & Hulk # 148 (Marvel Italia)
119 Sep 2008
Sacred Invasion, Part 3Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rafael Sandoval / Roger Bonet Devil & Hulk # 149 (Marvel Italia)
120 Oct 2008
Sacred Invasion, Part 4Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rafael Sandoval / Roger Bonet Devil & Hulk # 150 (Marvel Italia)
121 Nov 2008
Love & War, Part 1Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Clayton Henry / Clayton Henry Devil & Hulk # 151 (Marvel Italia)
122 Dec 2008
Love & War, Part 2: Bullets & BraceletsGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Clayton Henry / Salva Espin Devil & Hulk # 152 (Marvel Italia)
123 Jan 2009
Love & War, Part 3: Axis MundiGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Clayton Henry / Clayton Henry Devil & Hulk # 153 (Marvel Italia)
124 Feb 2009
Love & War, Part 4: The Weight Of The WorldGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Clayton Henry / Salva Espin Devil & Hulk # 154 (Marvel Italia)
125 Mar 2009
Love & War, Part 5: LiberatedGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Clayton Henry / Salva Espin Devil & Hulk # 155 (Marvel Italia)
126 Apr 2009
The Origin of Hercules!Fred Van Lente / Greg Pak / Rodney Buchemi / Greg Adams Devil & Hulk # 156 (Marvel Italia)
The search for KirbyGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Takeshi Miyazawa / Takeshi Miyazawa inedito
127 May 2009
Dark ReignGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Dietrich Smith / Cory Hamscher Marvel Monster Edition # 15 (Marvel Italia)
128 Jun 2009
GauntletGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Dietrich Smith / Terry Pallot Marvel Monster Edition # 15 (Marvel Italia)
129 Jul 2009
The DescentGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Ryan David Stegman / Terry Pallot inedito
130 Aug 2009
The JudgmentGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Ryan David Stegman / Terry Pallot inedito
131 Sep 2009
The HarrowingFred Van Lente / Greg Pak / Ryan David Stegman / Terry Pallot inedito
132 Oct 2009
The Replacement ThorGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Reilly Brown / Nelson DeCastro inedito
133 Nov 2009
Road of TrialsGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi inedito
134 Nov 2009
W.W.T.D.?Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Reilly Brown / Nelson DeCastro inedito
135 Nov 2009
Meeting With The GoddessGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi inedito
136 Dec 2009
Thorcules Versus Hercuthor!Greg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Reilly Brown / Nelson DeCastro inedito
137 Dec 2009
AtonementGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi inedito
138 Jan 2010
Assault on New Olympus: Partt 1: Playing GodsGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi For Fans Only # 11 (Marvel Italia)
Godmarked, Part 2: Remember the Titans?Jeff Parker / Gabriel Hardman / Gabriel Hardman inedito
139 Feb 2010
Assualt On New Olympus, Part 2: FaithbombGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Reilly Brown / Rodney Buchemi / Reilly Brown / Rodney Buchemi For Fans Only # 11 (Marvel Italia)
Godmarked, Part 3: Jimmy & The AtlasnautsJeff Parker / Gabriel Hardman / Gabriel Hardman inedito
140 Mar 2010
Assault On New Olympus, Part 3: The Fourth ExtinctionGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi For Fans Only # 11 (Marvel Italia)
Godmarked, Part 4: Oh Hades...It Is On!Jeff Parker / Gabriel Hardman / Gabriel Hardman inedito
141 Apr 2010
Assualt on New Olympus, Finale: Everybody DiesGreg Pak / Fred Van Lente / Rodney Buchemi / Rodney Buchemi For Fans Only # 11 (Marvel Italia)
Godmarked, Part 5: To Battle A God!Jeff Parker / Gabriel Hardman / Gabriel Hardman inedito