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Incredible Hulk Annual
Marvel Comics
Incredible Hulk Annual
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1968
numeri rilasciati: 1-20
numeri catalogati: 20
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Hulk
tipologia: serie annuale
Supplemento annuale della serie Incredible Hulk.
1 Oct 1968
Hulk: A Refuge DividedMike Friedrich / Marie Severin / Syd Shores For Fans Only # 3 (Marvel Italia)
2 Oct 1969
Hulk: The coming of the HulkStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Paul Reinman Thor # 5 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: Enter...the Chameleon!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / George Bell L'Uomo Ragno # 69 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: A Titan Rides the TrainStan Lee / Steve Ditko / George Bell L'Uomo Ragno # 70 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: The Horde of Humanoids!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / George Bell L'Uomo Ragno # 71 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: On the Rampage Against the RedsStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Dick Ayers L'Uomo Ragno # 71 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: The Power of Dr. Banner!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Vince Colletta L'Uomo Ragno # 72 (Editoriale Corno)
3 Oct 1971
Hulk: To Live Again!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 75 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: Like A Beast at Bay!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 75 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: Within the Monster Dwells A Man!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 76 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: Another World, Another Foe!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Bob Powell L'Uomo Ragno # 77 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: The Wisdom of the Watcher!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Bob Powell / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 77 (Editoriale Corno)
4 Oct 1972
Hulk: Not All My Power Can Save Me!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 78 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: I, Against A World!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Scott Edward / Mickey Demeo L'Uomo Ragno # 79 (Editoriale Corno)
Hulk: Bruce Banner is the Hulk!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / John Romita / John Romita L'Uomo Ragno # 79 (Editoriale Corno)
Thung and Bulk: The Ever-Lovin' Thung vs. The Inedible BulkStan Lee / Marie Severin / Frank Giacoia Hulk e i Difensori # 23 (Editoriale Corno)
5 Oct 1976
Hulk: And Six Shall Crush the HulkLen Wein / Chris Claremont / Sal Buscema / Jack Abel / Glynis Wein For Fans Only # 3 (Marvel Italia)
6 Nov 1977
Hulk: Beware the Behive!David Kraft / Len Wein / Herb Trimpe / Mike Esposito / Frank Giacoia / Janice Cohen Super Eroi Classic # 296 (RCS Quotidiani)
7 Dec 1978
Hulk: The Evil That Is Cast... John Byrne / Roger Stern / John Byrne / Bob Layton / Janice Cohen Settimanale de l'Uomo Ragno (il) # 32 (Editoriale Corno)
8 Dec 1979
Hulk: Sasquatch!John Byrne / Roger Stern / Sal Buscema / Alfredo Alcala / George Roussos Super Eroi Classic # 342 (RCS Quotidiani)
9 Sep 1980
Hulk: A Game of Monsters and KingsDoug Moench / Al Milgrom / Steve Ditko / Al Milgrom / George Roussos Super Eroi Classic # 360 (RCS Quotidiani)
10 Sep 1981
Hulk: Rarrrarghh (or Nothing Stops the Hulk)Bill Mantlo / Rick Leonardi / Frank Giacoia / Al Milgrom / Bob Wiacek / Chic Stone / Dan Green / Bob Sharen Hulk: Gli anni perduti # 4 (Panini Comics)
11 Oct 1982
Hulk: The Day the Earth Turned GreenBill Mantlo / Rich Buckler / Joe Sinnott / Bob Sharen inedito
Doc Samson: Unus UnchainedMary Jo Duffy / Frank Miller / Steve Mitchell / Bob Sharen For Fans Only # 3 (Marvel Italia)
12 Aug 1983
Hulk: Amazing Grace!Bill Mantlo / Herb Trimpe / Herb Trimpe / Bob Sharen Hulk: Gli anni perduti # 3 (Panini Comics)
13 Nov 1984
Hulk: FriendsBill Mantlo / Alan Kupperberg / Gerry Talaoc / Bob Sharen Hulk: Gli anni perduti # 5 (Panini Comics)
14 Dec 1985
Hulk: The Weakness of the Flesh!John Byrne / Sal Buscema / Sal Buscema / Andy Yanchus Hulk: Gli anni perduti # 6 (Panini Comics)
15 Oct 1986
Hulk: Body DoubleDanny Fingeroth / Sal Buscema / Sal Buscema / Petra Goldberg Fantastici Quattro # 35 (Star Comics)
16 Jun 1990
Hulk: Quality of MercyPeter David / Angel Medina / Larry Mahlstedt / Glynis Wein Star Magazine # 27 (Star Comics)
She-Hulk: You Can't Always Get What You WantBill Mumy / Chris Wozniak / Tim Dzon / Mike Rockwitz Star Magazine Oro # 5 (Star Comics)
Hulk: The Hulk's 10 Best BrawlsGary Barnum / Dan Reed / Jeff Albrecht / Renee Witterstaetter Incredibile Hulk Speciale Estate (Jackson)
Doc Samson: The Nightmare Never Ends!Alan Grant / Dan Reed / Jeff Albrecht / Mike Rockwitz inedito
17 Sep 1991
Hulk: Vicious CyclePeter David / John Romita / Fred Fredericks / Mike Thomas Devil & Hulk # 0 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: As Old As the Hills (Subterranean Wars pt 2)Peter David / Ron Wagner / Al Milgrom / Mike Witherby / Glynis Wein Marvel Mega # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: Mean JoePeter David / Ron Wagner / Mike Witherby inedito
Rick Jones: Hero WorshipEric Fein / John Statema / Ralph Cabrera / Jeff Albrecht / Mike Thomas inedito
The Pantheon: Not to the SwiftGary Barnum / John Stanisci / Tim Dzon / Mike Thomas inedito
18 May 1992
Hulk: Mano A ManoPeter David / Travis Charest / Dan Green / Christie Scheele Devil & Hulk # 0 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: Four on the FloorPeter David / Kevin Maguire / Joe Rubinstein / Brad Vancata / Christie Scheele Marvel Comics Presenta # 15 (Marvel Italia)
The Pantheon: Things to ComeEvan Skolnick / Gary Barker / Jimmy Palmiotti / Evan Skolnick Marvel Top # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: Nobody Loves The Hulk (Take One)Mike Kanterovich / Tom Brevoort / Karl Alstaetter / Fred Fredericks / Christie Scheele Devil & Hulk # 15 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: The Running ManJames Dale Robinson / James Robinson / James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Joe Phillips / Tony Harris / Christie Scheele Devil & Hulk # 5 (Marvel Italia)
19 Aug 1993
Hulk: Dead Man's HandPeter David / Kirk Jarvinen / Dan Lawlis / Brad Vancata / Marie Javins Marvel Top # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: Still DeadPeter David / Paul Pelletier / Tom Mandrake / Sarra Mossoff Marvel Top # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: A Town Called HulkRon Fortier / Paul Pelletier / Bob Cram Jr / John Kalisz Marvel Top # 1 (Marvel Italia)
20 Aug 1994
Hulk: Story TimePeter David / Stuart Immonen / Salvador Larroca / Brad Vancata / Glynis Wein Devil & Hulk # 33 (Marvel Italia)
Doc Samson: PsychobabbleJerry Novick / Kevin Kobasic / John Lowe / Sarra Mossoff Devil & Hulk # 33 (Marvel Italia)
Hulk: Desert StormFrank Lovece / Phil Hugh Felix / Philip Moy / Kelly Corvese inedito
Hulk: You're Invited!Barry Dutter / Scott Benefiel / Mike Christian / Sarra Mossoff Devil & Hulk # 33 (Marvel Italia)