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The Brave And The Bold vol 3
DC Comics
The Brave And The Bold vol 3
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2007
numeri rilasciati: 1-35
numeri catalogati: 35
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica della DC Comics che presenta un primo arco narrativo dedicato alla coppia Batman-Lanterna Verde, e successivamente da spazio ad altri team-up.
1 Apr 2007
Batman and Green Lantern: The Lords of Luck, Part 1: RouletteMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
2 May 2007
Green Lantern and Supergirl : The Lords of Luck, Part 2: VenturaMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
3 Jun 2007
Batman and Blue Beetle: The Lords of Luck, Part 3: The Lord of TimeMark Waid / George Pérez / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
4 Aug 2007
Supergirl and Lobo: The Lords of Luck, Part 4: The Garden of DestinyMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
5 Sep 2007
Batman and Legion of Super-Heroes: The Lords of Luck, Part 5: The Batman of TomorrowMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
6 Oct 2007
Batman and Green Lantern: The Lords of Luck, Part 6: The Girl Who Knew Too MuchMark Waid / George Pérez / Scott Koblish The Brave and The Bold # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
7 Dec 2007
Wonder Woman and Power Girl: Scalpels and ChainsawsMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
8 Jan 2008
Flash and Doom Patrol: Wally's ChoiceMark Waid / George Pérez / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
9 Feb 2008
Blackhawk, Metal Men and Hawkman: Changing TimesMark Waid / George Pérez / Scott Koblish / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
10 Apr 2008
Superman, Silent Knight, Teen Titans and Aquaman: The Book of Destiny, Part 4Mark Waid / George Pérez / Scott Koblish The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
11 May 2008
Superman and Ultraman: The Book of Destiny, Part 5Mark Waid / Jerry Ordway / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
12 Jun 2008
Challengers of the Unknown: The Book of Destiny, Part 6: SunstrokeMark Waid / Jerry Ordway / Bob Wiacek The Brave and The Bold # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
13 Jul 2008
Batman and Flash: American SamuroidsMark Waid / Jerry Ordway / Scott Koblish / Bob McLeod inedito
14 Aug 2008
Deadman and Green Arrow: The Ghost Killers of Nanda ParbatMark Waid / Scott Kolins / Scott Kolins inedito
15 Sep 2008
Nightwing and Hawkman: Wings and ArrowsMark Waid / Scott Kolins / Scott Kolins inedito
16 Oct 2008
Superman and Catwoman: TemptedMark Waid / Scott Kolins / Scott Kolins inedito
17 Nov 2008
Supergirl and Raven: Fathers... Part 1: Past TenseMarv Wolfman / Phil Winslade / Phil Winslade inedito
18 Dec 2008
Supergirl and Raven: Fathers... Part 2: ControlsMarv Wolfman / Phil Winslade / Phil Winslade inedito
19 Jan 2009
Green Lantern and The Phantom Stranger: Without Sin, Part 1David Hine / Doug Braithwaite / Bill Reinhold inedito
20 Feb 2009
Green Lantern and The Phantom Stranger: Without Sin, Part 2David Hine / Doug Braithwaite / Bill Reinhold inedito
21 Mar 2009
Green Lantern and Green Arrow: Without Sin, Part 3David Hine / Doug Braithwaite / Bill Reinhold inedito
22 Apr 2009
Green Lantern and Green Arrow: Without Sin, Part 4David Hine / Doug Braithwaite / Bill Reinhold inedito
23 Jun 2009
Booster Gold and Magog: Shadows of TomorrowDan Jurgens / Dan Jurgens / Dan Jurgens / Norm Rapmund inedito
24 Aug 2009
Static and Black Lightning: Last Time I Saw ParisMatt Wayne / Howard Porter / Howard Porter inedito
25 Sep 2009
Hardware and Blue Beetle: System CompatibilityAdam Beechen / Roger Robinson / Hilary Barta inedito
26 Oct 2009
Xombi and Spectre: Annhilating AngelJohn Rozum / Scott Hampton / Scott Hampton inedito
27 Nov 2009
Batman and Dial H for Hero: Death of a HeroJ. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
28 Dec 2009
Blackhawk and The Flash: Firing LineJ. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
29 Jan 2010
Batman and Brother Power the Geek: Lost Stories of Yesterday, Today and TomorrowJ. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
30 Feb 2010
Green Lantern and Doctor Fate: The Green & the GoldJ. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
31 Mar 2010
The Atom and The Joker: Small ProblemsJ. Michael Straczynski / Chad Hardin / Chad Hardin / Wayne Faucher / Walden Wong The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
32 Apr 2010
Aquaman and The Demon: Night GodsJ. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
33 Jun 2010
Wonder Woman, Zatanna and Batgirl : Ladies' NightJ. Michael Straczynski / Cliff Chiang / Cliff Chiang The Brave and The Bold # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
34 Jul 2010
Doom Patrol and Legion of Super-Heroes: Out of Time, Part 1J. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz DC Library # 61 (Panini Comics)
35 Aug 2010
The Inferior Five and Legion of Substitute-Heroes: Out of Time, Part 2J. Michael Straczynski / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz DC Library # 61 (Panini Comics)