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Creepy # 57
Copertina di Manuel Perez Sanjulian

Creepy # 57

Warren Novembre 1973
(horror story)
The Destructive Image
Don McGregor (script) / Ramon Torrents (art) / Ramon Torrents (inks)
11 pagine
(horror story)
The Hope of the Future
Doug Moench (script) / Jaime Brocal (art) / Jaime Brocal (inks)
8 pagine
(horror story)
The Bloodlock Museum
Jack Butterworth (script) / Martin Salvador (art) / Martin Salvador (inks)
5 pagine
(horror story)
The Low Spark of High Heeled Noise! (Un rumore di scarpe con il tacco alto)
Doug Moench (script) / Richard Corben (art) / Richard Corben (inks) / Richard Corben (colors)
8 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Collana Umanoidi # 9 - Notti bianche, Edizioni Nuova Frontiera (Gen 1983), Cosmo Books # 75 - Creepy Presenta: Richard Corben, Editoriale Cosmo (Ott 2022)
(horror story)
The Red Badge of Terror
Doug Moench (script) / Joseph Maria Bea (art) / Joseph Maria Bea (inks)
7 pagine
(horror story)
Sense of Violence
Doug Moench (script) / Isidro Monés (art) / Isidro Monés (inks)
8 pagine